
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Readers Present Amazing And Proven Tips

Ubqari Magazine - August 2015

Readers repetitively tried and then revealed the secrets of their hearts for Ubqari. They are submitted to you for the service of millions of people.


Excellent effect of 2 Rakaat Qaza-e-Hajat prayers:         

This is such a precious gift for which nobody can pay its price. Its effects are excellent. Incomplete works will be accomplished by offering this Qaza-e-Hajat (A prayer to seek needs). These are the secrets of hearts. This is not possible to be practiced by common people. Those who practice it attain numerous prizes from the empire of Allah Almighty.Such prizes which are beyond human thoughts. This is a priceless gift. It turns a non-practicing person into a practicing one, a dishonorable into honorable and a miser into a pious one. It can rather be termed as that if a person is seeking a comprehensive spiritual guide, he should start practice of this precious gift. He will find the true guide. A pious old man writes: ‘I offered two Rakaat of Qaza-e-Hajat and prayed to seek knowledge and wisdom. Then Allah Almighty blessed me with the wealth of knowledge and wisdom. After offering this prayer, not only the need you desire will be fulfilled but 10 more hidden needs will also be fulfilled in an unseen manner. It will not be possible for a person to get out of such trouble if they are revealed.


Procedure for practice:

Between the night of Thursday and Friday perform Ghusal (bath) and wear neat and clean dress. Then offer two Rakaat prayers in such a manner that in the first Rakatrecire Surah Al Kafiroon 10 times and Surah e Akhlas 11 times in the second Rakat. Then afte completion of prayers, perform Sajdah and recite DuroodShareef 11 times, third Kalma 10 times and (رَبَّنَآ اٰتِنَا فِی الدُّنْیَا حَسَنَۃً وَّ فِی الْاٰخِرَۃِ حَسَنَۃً وَّقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ) 10 times and then submit your need. Insha’Allah, all of your needs will be addressed.(Muhammad Imtiaz Khan, Burewala)


Formulas proven since five generations:             

Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalamo Alaikum! I belong to a family of Hakims since five generations. Today two effectively proven formulas are submitted. By the grace of Almighty, these treatments have never failed.Churan Pathri (A powder for stones): use of which removes kidney stones by the grace of Allah. 

ھوالشافی: Take equal quantities of black pepper, Filfil Daraz, Black Himalayan Salt, Sajji Salt, Naushadar Thekri and Suhaga Baryan. Grind all of these ingredients. This is quite powerful. Take 1 gram after meals and drink lukewarm water. If taken with cold water, it stops lose motions. Those suffering with stones should drink ample of water after taking this medicine.


For impotency:

ھوالشافی: Take 50 grams each of SalabMisri, MosliSufaid Indian, Maghzina Dana and grind them into a fine powder. Then add 50 grams of husk into this powder. Take a large tablespoonful every night before going to sleep for 40 days. During this, do not carry out intercourse with wife. After this always use a spoonful of powder of Mosli Sufaid Indian with a glass of warm milk after intercourse. No medicine will be required thereafter. During winters if a raw Desi (pure) egg is added to milk, it will be even more beneficial.    (Hayat urRaheem Khan, Sanghar)


A magical formula for joint pains: Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalam o Alaikum! A magical formula is submitted for readers of Ubqari:


ھوالشافی: Take 250 grams of ginger, 250 grams of garlic and 500ml of pure butter oil. Chop ginger and garlic and make their paste separately. Every day take one spoon each of ginger and garlic pastes put them in three spoonful of butter oil and heat them on slow flame so as to make a thick paste. Add salt as desired. When it cools down, recite SuraheYasin while observing ablution and when you reach    

  سَلٰمٌ قَوْلًا مِّنْ رَّبٍّ رَّحِیْمٍ﴿یٰسین۵۸﴾ recite this verse 40 times. After completion of Surah Yasin, carry out Dum (blow) over this paste. Prepare this paste every day in the same manner and eat it for 21 days. Insha Allah joint pains will be cured.  (Kalim Ullah Shaikh, Paharpur)


Such quick relief which is unbelievable: Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalam o Alaikum! I am reciting this magazine Ubqari for the last one year. It is an excellent magazine which is MashaAllah providing benefit to a lot of people. It contains very good Wazif and tips. I am also submitting my proven tips.


Relief from itching: Whether the itching is dry or moist, it is effective for both types. When my younger son was one year old, he suffered from extreme itching. I was greatly worried as it had caused many scars to develop on his back. Due to the same, we also got affected with itching. We took many injections, used several ointments and took a number of medicines, but nothing was effective. I was exceptionally worried about my son that something bad might happen to him as he was very young. Then someone told me to apply powder of Amla Saar Gandhak dissolved in mustard oil. Insha’Allah it will be cured quickly. And then it actually happened as was told and the ailment was cured so quickly which was unbelievable.


Immediate relief from lose motions: Whatever the type of lose motions may be, whether the cramps are bloody or otherwise, the tip is: Take some solid Husk and fry it with little ghee over a pan. When cool, add sugar and take it with tea or yogurt. Insha Allah it will provide relief.


The third tip is that no matter how badly the heels are cracked; just apply mustard oil on them. Insha Allah they will be cured in a few days.


Cancer is cured by حم لاینصرون:

Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalam o Alaikum !I initially read the monthly magazine Ubqari from the website of Ubqari and also listened to the Dars from the same. I also read about the Amal of حم لا ینصرون

 for the first time from the website of Ubqari as well. Respected Hakeem Sahib, my mother was suffering from cancer and all of us were very worried. I used to carry out the Amal of افحسبتم and Azaan (i.e recitation of last 4 verses of Surah e Mominoon and Azaan 7 times each) and first blew it in the right ear of my mother and then recited the same again 7 time each and blew in the left ear. My mother was operated once for the cancer. My mother recited حم لا ینصرون in abundance. Alhamdo Lillah, when the doctors saw her reports during a recently conducted checkup, the cancer was eliminated. They could not believe it and got the tests repeated. When these reports were checked again, there was no sign of cancer. My mother still recites حم لا ینصرون regularly.              (Sobia Salman)

My proven household tips: Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalamo Alaikum! I am regularly reading the magazine Ubqari for the last few years. The tips and Wazaif in it have immensely benefited me. I have a few proven household tips which I am submitting for the readers of Ubqari:


For bleeding nose: Take coconut slice of about 2 inches and soak it overnight in water in a raw clay bowl. Early morning drain the water and eat the coconut. Just practice this for 10-20 days and bleeding through nose will never occur throughout the life.


To stop lose motions: Chew and eat 3-4 leaves of Jaman. It will stop lose motions. Eating a teaspoonful of tea leaves also stops lose motion.


For cold, flu and mental weakness: Soak almonds in honey and put them aside for 40 days. Then use a spoonful of this honey and almonds with milk at breakfast. This is a matchless tonic.


Elimination of pile warts forever: At time hail falls during rains. If there is hail falling with rain, collect the hail and put them on the pile warts. The pile warts will be eliminated. And there will be no need of operation.


Wealth and help will arrive from Ghaib (the unseen):  

Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalam o Alaikum! First of all I would like to thank you for publishing such a wonderful magazine Ubqari. Due to this we are getting a lot of benefits. May Allah bless all with the reward of this noble act, Ameen. I possess a proven Amal (practice) which I am submitting to the readers of Ubqari:

If someone desire to obtain provisions and wealth from Ghaib (the unseen) then after Farz prayers, starting from right hand start closing fingers while reciting (بِسْمِ اللہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ). Close all the ten fingers and then start opening them one by one starting from left hand while reciting (یَابَاسِطُ) and then pray to Almighty. Insha Allah help will be provided from Ghaib and one will not be dependent on anybody.

For constipation:  I have an effective tip for constipation. If you have complained of gas, swallow a bit of Harmal. Insha’Allah it will be cured.  (Palwasha Rehmat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa)


Advantage of reciting Surah e Akhlas and Maozatain on Friday:

It is related to Umm al Momineen Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqa رضی اللہ عنہا that the Holy Prophet ﷺ­said: ‘ A person who recites Surah e Akhlas, Surah e Falaq and Surah al Naas seven times each after Friday prayers, then Almigty Allah will keep him safe from all evils till next Friday.  (Kanz al Amaal)

Famous follower of Sunnah, Saeed Bin Mansoorرحمت اللہ علیہ has further elaborated by narrating that if any person, who on Friday after carrying out Salam in prayers, without talking to anybody recites Surah e Fatiha, Maozatain and Surah e Akhlaas seven times each, then Almighty Allah will forgive all his sins between the two Fridays.  (Kanz al Amaal)

 It is also quoted at another place that the Holy Prophet ﷺ­ said: ‘Anyone who recites Surah e Akhlaas and Maozatain seven times each after Friday prayers without talking to anybody, he himself and his belongings will become safe from this Friday till the next. (Muhammad Afzal Rehmani, Khushab)


A patient since 15 years got cured with a small tip:         

Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalam o Alaikum! May Allah Almighty grant you with his blessings. Ameen! I am a reader of Ubqari since two years. I was a patient of blood pressure. This is what doctors used to tell me. But I could not understand as to what kind of disease it was. All of a sudden I used to get breathless, heartbeat increased and understandable feelings used to arise in my brain. When such conditions occurred, my state got uncontrollable and I would turn pale. When I got checked up from a renowned Hakim, he said that one of the valves of my heart is blocked. I did not get any relief even then. Then a doctor administered me two tablets. I took them regularly. My condition used to improve upon taking these tablets. I was using these tablets for 15 years. Then I was introduced to Ubqari magazine. It had a formula which I prepared and used. By the grace of Allah my ailment entirely got cured. Earlier I used to take one tablet for blood pressure and another sedative every night. Now I do not even take them anymore.

I took these tablets for three months. Two tablets are to be taken at night before going to sleep. These tablets are also very effective for general body ache and pain in feet. I pray for the person who has submitted this tip in Ubqari. The formula is as under:

 ھو الشافی: Take 100 fresh soft leaves of Neem and 100 grains of black pepper. Grind them together and make tablets of the size of black pepper from this compound. Take two tablets every night regularly. If desired, two tablets each can be taken in the morning, noon and evening. (Mrs. Yaqoob, Chistian)


SafoofUmangJawani (Powder for maintaining youth):  

Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalam o Alaikum ! I am a reader of Ubqari for the last 5 years from which I have prepared a number of formulas and got them used by patients. They were 100% successful. I pray from my heart that Almighty grant you with his blessings, health and faith. I am associated with the medical profession. I am submitting two experienced formulas for the benefit of the people:


Safoof Umang Jawani: It is matchless for cure for blennorrhagia, nocturnal ejaculation, spermatorrhoea, tiredness and weakness.

ھو الشافی: Take 1 tola (60 grams) each of cardamom, whole wheat, SalabMisri, Asaroon, Tajj, Asgand Nagori, Bhophli, Taal makhana, Mastagi Roomi and  Koza Misri double. Mix all of these ingredients and grind into a fine powder. Take a teaspoon twice a day.


Formula No.2: Surat Band Safoof Special: Take equal quantity of Asgand Nagori, Mosli Sufaid, Kholanjan, Mosli siyah, Shaqatil Misri, Singhara chilka and phlai keekar. Make a fine powder of these ingredients. Take 6 masha with milk in the morning and evening.  (Noor Muhammad Ahair, Bhakkar)

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